Information - 900 Years Life Span
If we want to know how to maintain wellness, we must first understand how we are made, how our body is designed to heal itself, and what foods God created for our bodies to function properly. These foods created by God as the original diet for man are described in Genesis 1:29, where we read: "... I have given you every herb (vegetable) bearing seed...and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat."
On this original diet, man lived an average of 912 years, prior to the flood, without a single recorded instance of sickness. Following the flood, two changes were made in man's diet... meat was added and man started to cook his food. Following these two changes in the way man ate, the life span rapidly declined in ten generations from an average of 912 years to 100 years. Today, we have moved even further from God's original diet by putting increasingly more toxic substances into our bodies so that today, by the age of 40, the average person already has serious physical problems. The average four-year-old already has plaque build up in his arteries, and the average youth of today cannot even pass the President's minimal physical fitness requirements.
Our generation is sick, and getting sicker by the day! The symptoms and signs of this sickness are the ever-increasing numbers of people afflicted by heart attacks, strokes, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and a host of other degenerative diseases!
But keep in mind that cancer, heart disease, etc. are not the problem itself, but merely symptoms of the problem. The problem today is that we are putting into our bodies substances (poisons) God never designed these bodies of ours to have to deal with! And then we further complicate the problem by trying to treat the resulting symptoms with additional poisons (drugs).
Any successful approach to health must deal with the cause of the problem rather than merely the symptoms. If we want to reverse our physical problems, we must get back to the basics... to God and to an understanding of how He made us and how He intended us to be nourished and healed and how our bodies are designed to eliminate toxic substances.
Today, when we develop a physical problem, we have been programmed to believe that the problem is the result of some virus, germ, or bacteria that attacked our innocent body, or that we inherited the problem through our genes from parents, grandparents, etc. Nothing could be further from the truth!!! Such teachings are designed to keep us from realizing the true cause of disease... our own transgression of God's Natural Laws! The truth is that almost every physical problem we experience (other than those caused by accidents), we created by violating the Natural Laws established by God at creation for the sustaining of our life, health and well being.
Then when we get sick, we try to treat the symptom of the disease with more poison (drugs), thinking this poison will destroy the physical problem. But this complicates the problem and actually creates new problems. What we must understand if we are going to restore our bodies to health is that there are no cures! My friend reading these words I don't know how to say it strong enough. THERE ARE NO CURES!!! The only way to restore the body to wellness is with a healthy diet and lifestyle!
If we are going to restore the body to wellness, we must realize that drugs do not cure, chemotherapy does not cure, radiation does not cure, surgery does not cure. The only way to restore the body to wellness is to eliminate what caused the physical problem in the first place and give the body the building materials it needs to restore and rebuild itself. Programmed into each individual is self-healing!
Just as a cut on the surface of our skin will heal itself, the rest of our body -- from the cellular level to vital organs --is also designed to be self-healing. This self-healing will occur when we stop consuming the poisons that caused the problem and give our body the nourishment on which it was originally designed to live, prosper and heal. This ability to self-heal was programmed into our DNA by God at creation. Those who have made the change to a natural diet and lifestyle can see that God's original plan of self-healing works better than all the prescription drugs, chemotherapy and surgery modern medical science has to offer.
The most important things needed for self-healing are fresh air, pure water, adequate rest, internal and external cleanliness, sunshine, a positive mental attitude, vigorous exercise and eating the foods by which we were designed to be nourished. And the only nourishment God ever intended for us to put into our bodies is pure water, fresh air, sunlight and fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. As long as these needs are met, the body is self-sufficient and will function properly in perfect health. But when we deviate from these basic biological needs, the body becomes clogged and poisoned, energy is depleted, physical problems result and life is shortened
Rather than helping the body to restore itself to wellness by the elimination of those things in our diet and lifestyle that created the problem, modern medicine seeks to aggressively fight the symptom. The way we deal with sickness today is wrong and it
produces horrible results. Not a day goes by that I do not receive dozens of phone calls and letters from people from all over the world with the most horrible stories of the results they or their loved ones have experienced after going the traditional medical route for physical problems... especially cancer.
Think about how we deal with cancer today. Cancer is caused in most instances by improper diet or lifestyle. Lung cancer is caused primarily by cigarette smoking. Colon, breast, prostrate and uterine cancer are caused primarily by animal products. In fact, animal products, excessive protein and fats are the cause of most of today's cancers. If we would but eliminate the causes, and give the body the proper building materials, most cancers would just disappear as the body's own self-healing mechanism would kick in.
Yet, the accepted first treatment for cancer today is usually chemotherapy. The basic chemical used in chemotherapy is mustard gas!!! This same chemical was used in World War I to kill soldiers on the battle field, and is such a hideous poison it has been universally banned from use in wartime through treaties. Yet this same poison is being injected into cancer patients today in hopes that it will kill some of the bad cells, which it usually does. But it also kills the good cells and further weakens an already weak immune system. In fact, cancer would never have originated in the first place if the immune system had been functioning properly.
Radiation is another treatment used on cancer patients today. Recently we read of those who were exposed to radiation years ago in experiments conducted by the United States Government. We were told these radiation victims needed to be compensated for the physical problems that arose because they were not told of the harmful effects of the radiation they received. Yet, today, this same radiation is used to treat cancer. It is supposed to destroy the maverick cells, which it often does. But in the process, it also kills good cells and destroys our ability to manufacture white blood cells, thus further weakening our immune system. How many cancer patients today are being told by their physicians of the dangers of radiation? There is no safe use of radiation! All radiation is dangerous, whether it be the treatment of cancer, microwave ovens or the radiation of food.
And then there is the surgery where they cut out the problem area. Chemotherapy, radiation and surgery all deal with the symptom... not with the cause! The cause of almost all cancers is improper diet and lifestyle! And that is why even after a person has gone through the above medical treatments, if they live through the treatments, the cancer will often come back again. Why? Because they only dealt with the symptom, not with the cause!
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