What is Ganoderma? There are more than 38,000 varieties of Mushrooms known to mankind. Out of this, about 2000 varieties are fit for human consumption. In that, about 200 varieties have therapeutic (medicinal) properties. The predominant variety in this group is GANODERMA LUCIDUM. It is also called Reishi ( in Japanese), Lingzhi ( in Chinese) or Chaga ( in Russian). The DXN technology combines SIX best varieties out of this 200, to achieve highest therapeutic values.
Peacock Gano
Kimshen Gano
Liver Gano
Heart Gano
Brain Gano
Ruyi Gano
For ages, GANODERMA is considered the KING OF HERBS and also as MIRACLE MUSHROOM. It is due to the unique composition of active elements and to the miraculous health benefits it offers. Scientifically, it is known to possess the following properties, which are unique in nature.
A1- SUPERIOR HERB : Gano has been categorized as the best of the Superior Herbs, known to man. By this quality, Gano is able to provide NUTRITIVE as well as THERAPEUTIC benefits to the body at one go. There are more than 640 herbs used by man and Gano belongs to the most superior class of the herbs.
This term refers to the herbs which when consumed, satisfy the following three conditions.
There should be NO SIDE-EFFECTS ( or Toxicity ) even on long term as well as large quantity consumption.
The benefits of consumption should not be restricted to a few organs ( or tissues ) ; but should be effective on ALL THE CELLS in the body.
There should be a NORMALIZING effects on the body as a whole.
DXNGanoderma is known to contain more than 200 active elements. Some are Nutritive and others are Therapeutic in function.
NUTRITIVE : Proteins, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals and dietary Fiber. They are all essential nutritional elements to build the body strong and healthy.
THERAPEUTIC : Five important active elements are noted for their therapeutic benefits. They are as follows :
Polysaccharides (PSP) : They are excellent in activating the bodys immune system at all levels. Once activated, the immune system CLEANSES the body of all toxic matters. These toxins include harmful chemicals as well as harmful germs. Polysaccharides protect the cell wall. It increases the Oxygen levels in the blood. It effectively reduces the tumor cells and prevents the spread of cancer.
Organic Germanium ( OG ) : DXN Ganoderma is one of the richest sources of Organic Germanium ( 6000 ppm ) which is very rare. This OG is good in BALANCING the bio-chemical factors as well as bio-electric factors in the body. Thus it balances the body functions. It improves oxygen supply to the cells- particularly for the brain cells.
Adenosine: It acts as a REGULATOR of all hormone functions in the body. It also improves blood circulation, removes blocks in the vessels, Corrects acidity, controls cholesterol and reduces free-fat. It reduces obesity. It enhances the energy levels. Reduces mental stress and thereby improves work efficiency.
Triterpenoids : There are more than 112 types of Triterpenoids in DXN Ganoderma, which is a rich source. They are BUILDERS of the cells. They activate the inactive cells, improve all the digestive functions, strengthen the muscles of the Heart and the Liver cells. It is excellent in preventing a wide range of Allergies. It improves the natural healing ability of the body.
Ganoderic Essence ( GE ): It is a combination of various vegetable essences present in gano. GE is known to take care of the health of skin. Internally, it acts like beta carotenes and other anti-oxidants, thus preventing the cell degeneration. The ageing process is thus delayed, retaining the youthfulness for a long period. It strengthens the immune system and keeps full alert against infections attacking.
The presence of all the five important active elements in a single mushroom makes Ganoderma a special herb
HEALTH BENEFITS Ganoderma May Help Reduce Cholesterol
Ganoderma May Help Reduce Cholesterol
Cardiovascular disease has been called an epidemic of sorts in North America and Europe. Not surprising when you consider a typical North American lifestyle of not enough physical activity, diet high in saturated fats, and fast paced living driving up stress levels.
Even though the National Center for Health Statistics reported Americans average total cholesterol has dropped substantially from 1978 - 1990, the American Heart Association has reported 98.1 million adult Americans still have borderline high blood cholesterol levels and this puts them at greater risk of developing Cardiovascular disease.
Elevated cholesterol levels are one of the major risk factors identified by the American Heart Association in the development of Cardiovascular disease which is the number one killer in North America and Europe. We need to reduce cholesterol levels.
Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidium helped to reduce cholesterol
This number one rated herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine has many potent healing properties. One being that it may help reduce cholesterol and or may help the liver in suppressing its production.
Researchers from the Beijing College of Traditional Chinese Medicine found that Adenosine which is found in Ganoderma lucidium helped to reduce cholesterol in their studies.
Researchers at the Nestle Research Center in Switzerland called Ganoderma lucidium "a renowed medicinal species". In their study on hamsters and minipigs, oxgenated lanosterol derived from Ganoderma lucidium "inhibited cholesterol synthesis".
With hamsters it was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 9.8% and HDL levels by 11.2%.
In minipigs the oxygenated lanosterol derived from the mushroom Ganoderma lucidium was able to reduce cholesterol (total) by 20%, LDL by 27%, and HDL by 18%.
The researchers conclusion was that Ganoderma "has the potential to reduce LDL cholesterol in vivo (inside the body) through various mechanisms... innovative new cholesterol lowering foods and medicines containing Gl (Ganoderma lucidium) are envisioned."
HEALTH BENEFITS Reishi: Ancient Medicine Is Modern Hope (Health Foods Business/January 1992: Consumer Education Series )
Reishi: Ancient Medicine Is Modern Hope (Health Foods Business/January 1992: Consumer Education Series )
By Linda McGlasson, Assistant Editor
Western culture has often frowned on mushrooms, even fearing the small innocuous forest growth. The French prize their truffles, but even truffles and other edible fungi and mushrooms are not as highly valued or show as much potential as a species of mushrooms called Ling Zhi or Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum). The late Hiroshi Hikino, recognized as the world's authority on the chemistry of Oriental medicinal plants, called Reishi one of "the most important elixirs in the Orient." Relatively rare and undiscovered in the West, Reishi and other mushrooms have been revered as herbal medicines for thousands of years in Japan and China. Emperors of the great Chinese dynasties and Japanese royalty drank teas and concoctions of the mushroom for vitality and long life. The ancient Taoists were constantly searching for the elixir of eternal youth, and Reishi was believed to be among the ingredients.
In modern times, Ganoderma lucidum and its fellow mushrooms have been well-researched in Asian universities. It is currently being studied in China as a sports performance enhancer. Its long History has sparked interest in the West where it is used by herbalists to treat diverse problems such as allergies, chronic Fatigue Syndrome, diabetes, liver diseases and many immune-related diseases. As little as 20 years ago, Reishi was rare and not widely found in Asia. It grew in the wild, but was extremely hard to cultivate. Now with an increased knowledge of the climates that it thrives in, scientists are able to set up artificial growth conditions with the correct amounts of oxygen and moisture for the spores to grow into the Reishi mushroom.
Reishi mushrooms are polypore mushrooms. Mushrooms are the fruiting body and reproductive structure of a higher order fungus organism, much like an apple is the fruit of an apple tree. The actual mushroom "tree" is a fine thread-like network called mycelium. This mycelium is for the most part subterranean, living in soil, logs and other organic litter. Unlike green plants, which produce many of their own nutrients by photosynthesis, mushrooms primarily get their nutrients from dead organic matter or soil. Mushrooms and their mycelium are nature's original recyclers. Without them, the planet surface would be piled high with dead, decaying material. Mushrooms rise out of the mycelium when the right nutrients are amassed and the right environmental conditions are present. Mushrooms release spores at maturity. The wind spreads them and when they land on the right spot, the cycle starts over again.
In the 16th Century pharmacopedia Pen T'sao Kang Mu, which contains hundreds of natural medicines the Chinese have used for thousands of years, compiler Le Shih-chen described the uses of Reishi. "It positively affects the life energy, or qi of the heart, repairing the chest area and benefiting those with a knotted and tight chest." He wrote that it also increases intellectual capacity and banishes forgetfulness. "Taken over a long period of time, agility of the body will not cease, and the years are lengthened to those of the Immortal Fairies." In the Orient, Reishi is considered a Fu Zhen herb (immune modulation). Presently, Reishi has various applications including lowering or raising blood pressure, stimulating liver actions, blood cleansing, and acting as an adaptogen in helping the body fight the effects of stress. Chinese herbalists prize it for its abilities to regenerate the liver. In high doses, and to some degree normal doses, Ganoderma maybe classified as a liver detoxicant and protectant. In traditional Oriental applications Reishi is also used to treat insomnia, gastric ulcers, neurasthenia, arthritis, nephritis, asthma, bronchitis, hypertension and poisoning. It is also being used in treating neuromuscular disorders -- stress-induced tension, myasthenia gravis and muscular dystrophy -- all with varying degrees of success. Toxicity studies show no toxic effects on humans. In research, patients are given much higher doses, as high as 10 grams of extract per day, with no ill effects.
The potency of Reishi mushrooms is usually based on its level of triterpenoids. One can determine the level of this by tasting it. The more bitter it is, the higher the level of triterpenoids. Because Reishi is a polypore, (a group of hard, woody, bracket-like mushrooms) it is not eaten, but cut into pieces and made into a tea. In China, the average dose is 3 to 5 grams a day. Other popular forms of delivery are the water/alcohol extracts and powders. Reishi mushrooms and mushroom extracts are generally analyzed for specific triterpenoids called Ganoderic acids. When buying a Reishi mushroom product, check for the analysis of how much triterpenoids is in the extract or powder. "There is no standardization yet, either here or in Asia for Reishi. You have to look for high ganoderic acid-A levels, which indicates high levels of other ganoderic acids," said Kenneth Jones, a researcher/writer specializing in the ethnopharmacology of medicinal plants. One focus for future research is on Reishi spore extracts. In China, it has been used in injectable form in clinical treatments of various ailments with success. One of the things it has successfully treated is low energy, and debilitation following long illness.
Chinese women take Reishi for beautification of the skin. The results are probably due to the mushroom's hormone-potentiating effects, Jones said.
Reishi is included in many Japanese patents for hair loss formulas, including products used for alopecia. Spore extract injections of Reishi are also being used to treat lupus in China. The mycelium of Reishi contains high levels of polysaccharides, which have been shown in research to induce the production of interferon. Interferon is a protein produced inside cells to fight viral infection. Polysaccharides are also tumor fighters and help stimulate the immune system. Reishi is being recognized for its adjunct use as an immune system stimulator when cancer therapy is being used. The use of Reishi as a cancer treatment in the Orient is centuries old. In following the concept of qi tonics, Reishi is used to strengthen the body's resistance to outside forces. Former heart surgeon Dr. Fukumi Morishige, a leading authority on vitamin C in Japan, reports that when Reishi and vitamin C are combined the results against cancer and other diseases are far better than when Reishi is ingested. This is because the vitamin makes the polysaccharides more accessible to the immune system. It is also an adaptogen, with properties similar to ginseng. The adenosine in Reishi may explain why the Chinese use it for patients suffering from nervous tension. Adenosine relaxes skeletal muscles, calms the central nervous system and operates against the stimulating action of caffeine. "Reishi mushrooms are certainly an herb for the 90s and beyond," commented Jeff Chilton, president of North American Reishi. "Considering that Reishi has a history of use that spans 2,000 years and is more highly revered than ginseng in the Orient, one could readily compare its potential to that of ginseng."
Contributing to this article were Terry Willard, Ph.D. and Kenneth Jones, authors of Reishi Mushroom: Herb of Spiritual Potency and Medical Wonder.
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